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Oct 2016
I apologize to my children once again,
I know u probably wondering when the pain will end.
Mommy messed up made wrong decisions and because of me we are apart,
I know u probably tired of me breaking your hearts.
Again i must overcome this obstacle and i will continue to fight,
But thats no excuse for my choices and no matter what I will make it right.
I hope u still love me and accept me for who I am right now today,
Just know that im not giving up on u and Im not far away.
Im to blame for everything me not u my love it is not your fault,
U matter the most u didnt ask to be here u wouldn't understand if you was never taught.
Please understand those selfish days with the sickness im fighting they may come again,
Im trying to find me and love me so i can love u and our struggle will come to a end.
Soon my babies i will get our family out of this messed up situation,
Who says motherhood doesnt come with its trials and tribulations.
As soon as i can get us right the pain in your hearts will no longer live,
I will mend your hearts from that pain even if you're not ready to forgive.
Every second we are apart i miss and love u will never give up that is a fact,
For now its no goodbye's for it is soon we will have our family back!
Bryson Bryonna Breshawna Bryshawn Josholyn Joshae Lyrical. Forgive me!!
Satandra Asberry
Written by
Satandra Asberry  31/F/Las Vegas
(31/F/Las Vegas)   
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