Swallow a pill. Fake a smile. Repeat. Swallow a pill. Fake a smile. Repeat. The endless motions of my life No hopes of ending No hopes of really feeling happy Swallow a pill. Fake a smile. Repeat. Continuous proceedures It still doesn't work Increase the dosage Swallow a pill. Fake a smile. Repeat. Repeating into eternity Like a car in a tunnel, looking for the light Hoping to leave the dark space Swallow a pill. Fake a smile. Repeat. They still don't work It's my fault Continue no matter what Swallow a pill. Fake a smile. Repeat. The endless task needs to stop I forget I let go Fake a smile. Repeat. Maybe I should just let things go. Force a smile no matter how fake. Repeat. It's not working. They see right through me. Maybe I'll try something else. Don't fake a smile. Don't force a laugh. Suddenly, they see me. But now it's my fault, not the pill.