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Oct 2016
I do not know what I don't know enough of
To ask the right questions, for answers I'm
Unsure of
I know she lingers
In the lines between
Pages I haven't been permitted to read
In books I've never open'd in your chronology

It pains you, I know

She ripped bone from flesh
When she bequeathed
Your love together
Spent years sluicing her woes
Placing your own on the burner
Behind hers to simmer, left to fester
And when she left you behind

It broke you,Β Β I know

There are bits and pieces
Missing fragments from a puzzle
I have yet to put together
The story of the lover who
Left shards of her memory
Scattered around the apartment
Where you lived togetherΒ Β 
The place
Where I lay now next to you
Used to be hers.
A lot around here used to be,

You love me, I know.

But I can't help but question
Your insistence for holding onto
Her reminiscence
The shards of a life you're
No longer living
Is it too much agony?
To let it go?

It's hard to do, I know.

Let me soothe it for you.
You won't even need witness,
I'll remove her, any recollection
The very scent of her fragrance
The stain of her fingerprints
On your heart
Smudged away,

It won't take much, I know.

A bit of time
Patience I can spare
But you,
You just have to loosen your hold
On the shards,
Place them in my palms
Allow me this chance
To heal the fear inside you
Of being alone
Let me sink into those places
Where she left holes

I love you, you know.

I do not know what I don't know enough of
To ask the right questions, for answers I'm
Unsure of.
Remy Luna
Written by
Remy Luna  24/F/Middle Earth
(24/F/Middle Earth)   
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