I have put myself on a quest To turn my life around and do my best So many things that go on in life And having to make a sacrifice.
There is nothing in life that comes easy you know And you have to struggle and put on a show The show of life is on a stage And there is so much to gain.
We are all actors in this game of life And reaching our goal is mighty nice. But most of us are just backups In all that we do, and we never seem to follow thru.
So I am on this quest to follow all that my heart may say For I know that it will lead me the right way. It will open up doors that I’ve yet to open So that I may see all the beauties inside And there will be nothing that life can hide.
Life without love is unimaginable and it can never be If you try to hide your love from me. Love is the stage where we all gather To find out what truly matters.
Join me in this quest , this search for love For it was sent from up above We need each other like the plants need water Like the sun needs the moon Let us not end it so soon.
I love you and I know that you love me And this is the way it was meant to be. My quest is now over for my search is through I guess I knew that when I saw you.