and the Balkans or quasi-Slavs known as Serbs and pardoning Ottomans do one in on the Kosovo tribalism akin to: Albania here - yeah, i too was going to buy Allah-Las's third album, but then i thought about the Napster generation, then thought about Judas and then thought: well... you turn.
when Ramses destroyed Syria... you're?! you're a catastrophe!
second that.. never mind the **** or the caring ***** in uncle, great-grandchildren.... and that surrogate auntie named Alice.
i gave my enemy a copy of *ecce **** - missing luck in terms of all those yesterdays - i never had the Golgotha crowd to create Evangelism or Islam which i count akin to Ma Ma Malachi's trip to Delhi he never had: stinking Calcutta: oh i don't mean the food, i mean the Swedes: who the **** puts iron into their curry?