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Mar 2012
The man with the ****
Crouched huddled, shaking.
His friend beaten, in pain.
The man remained faking.

The man with the ****
Stood shivering in fear.
His friend taken away.
His conscience unclear.

The man with the ****
Sat bewildered and tense.
Watched his friend, hauled away.
Spoke not in his defense.

The man with the ****
Whom his friend saved innumerable times
Let his friend take the blame
And left him far behind.

The man with the ****
Turned his back in shame.
Although he knew of the innocence,
Silent he remained.

The man with the ****
Who could have saved his dear friend
Remained silent and unspoken.
Let him down in the end.

The man with the ****
Where there should be two *****
Sat shaking on the curbside
And let his friend take the fall.
Anomalous Revelations
Written by
Anomalous Revelations  New York
(New York)   
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