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Oct 2016
If you stalked me down,
While killing me too.
Your heart's may harden,
As lips turn blue.

If I grow so old,
With anger and more fear.
Would you go sober up?
Make your mind so clear?

You may know the chilling,
That lays in the creek.
Everything yes will just vanish,
Like the wealth you seek.

Everyone knows jaded smiles,
Manure trenches endless miles.
And we don't care,
For laughter is gone.

As blood and guts,
Are scattered well too.
The only thing left,
Are skulls in everyone's lawn.

Some will continue to linger,
And psychos blood will fawn.
And you'll go soon too,
Terror continues dusk til dawn!


John P. Pierre
Evanston, IL Copyright 10/04/2016
Written by
John Paul Pierre  Evanston IL
(Evanston IL)   
   Doug Potter
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