This is the year in which no one can speak their opinion without being singled out or hated on.
This is the year in which racial tension has increased tenfold - a raw and pure discrimination.
This is the year in which anyone who tries to help another they are looked upon with criticism.
This is the year in which two different generations clash - hate and rage spreading everywhere.
This is the year in which media brings death and pain into our screens and makes the world seem like such a horrible place.
This is the year in which no political candidate seems adequate enough to satisfy the angry People.
This is the year in which I fear that I'll look back upon when I'm older and think, "It was a huge mess, that started an even bigger mess."
. . .
I saw a video of a man stabbing another man with a knife multiple times; the scene was gruesome and I felt sick to my stomach - I watched as the victim struggled (I lost count of how many times he was stabbed, all I could see was the blood on the floor and his flailing limbs).
I read newspaper articles about the deaths of colored people by the hands of our untrained law and I read how both sides are growing in hate - "he should've kept his hands up!" or "it's because I'm black!"
I tried to be one of the people who pushes for peace, stating that All Lives Matter, only to be cursed out and humiliated - "saying All Lives Matter is a bunch of bull!" or "you're stupid!" or "you're useless!"
. . .
This is 2016 and it's full of more crap than any other year of my entire life.
It seems to me that as time passes, our society and morals just deteriorate more and more.