get your house in order your things in order your lies and loves in order the end is nearly too near to ignore we come so far, fight so hard and still what is left?
what is left is a rotten dream that belongs in the past a dream that no one has owned for generations now but we’re too afraid, too stricken to say that no one wants our parents’ parents’ wants what is left is a Frankenstein of a country- a nation so gnarled and scarred it is barely recognizable as being created in a free democratic image, a re-creation so afraid of being burned that it reacts violently to the mere idea of coming under fire
and still we put up shut up and lock and load bring home boatloads of black boxes filled with the corpses of could-have-beens tuck our valiant patriotic flag- and country-loving sons and daughters to sleep through eternally wakeless nights in the dirt of this land of lost promises because the decision making machine of false democracy is nowhere near to closing the war factory