this next section, these following lessons, have been my anticipation. the moments I have been awaiting, patiently. the special ones just for me.
they are closer now. the moments where I rise in love. the options for the best of me readily, steadily available to me. stimulated, solely, through the mind. tickling my thighs, taunting the nape of my neck through your time. I love it. I love our time.
and I feel your vibe traveling from there, its so similar to mine, I know that these moments are divine. our work to recreate the timeline of here, now. the time in the dirt, the time with Her. I know our cycles were preparing to intertwine, and I can see already that these will be the moments that truly inspire me to rise, like my children's smiles. those moments where you just feel alive!
like when the energy surges through my body and the rain feels like its cleansing my memories as they ride to the front of my mind, taunting me to live then, again. in any moment other than now.
though I don't mind, I know here I belong. so my attention you have. I feel your entry into my life and I want to be near your side.