It was my birthday, Sixty Five years turned to grey hair. My love and I, and two old school friends on a breezy Fall day.
Over Tea and a lovely frosted three layer cake, we cajoled and joked about our age, all turned senior citizens that year. And yet in truth, we all agreed, none of us had ever been as happy as then.
The cake was sliced onto china plates, Each piece served flat on it's cut side. I noticed something then as we all took our first bites.
Our forks all started at the thinnest corner, on the bottom layer's side, gradually excavating the two lower levels of fluffy cake, saving the best for last, the top layer where all the sweet frosting remained.
It occurred to me then that indeed life is like a three layer cake, the last top layer can indeed contain the sweetest bites. That rather than gobbling life hurriedly whole it should be savored more like patiently eating and enjoying a three layer cake.
It is not my birthday today but thanks to those of you nice people for the good BD wishes. It relates to everyone's aging. More of a metaphorical assessment of a universal theme. Actually, I'm a Taurus. (If you know your signs, perhaps that explains a lot about me.) :-) And sadly I'm well past being 65.