"I'm sorry if your dad left you . I'm sorry if your dad hit you . I'm sorry if your dad passed away . I'm sorry if your mom left you . I'm sorry if your mom hit you or got hit by your dad . I'm sorry if your mom passed away . I'm sorry if you get bullied . I'm sorry if you cut your wrists . I'm sorry if you can never get sleep at night . I'm sorry if you throw up after you eat because you don't want to gain weight . I'm sorry if you cry in your room for hours . I'm sorry if you get called a ****** for being gay . I'm sorry if your boyfriend or girlfriend hits you . I'm sorry if you feel like you're not good enough . I'm sorry if someone broke your heart . I'm sorry if you got cheated on . I'm sorry if you're in foster care . I'm sorry if you're homeless . I'm sorry if you would rather be homeless because being at home is torture . I'm sorry if you rake your nails down your arms . I'm sorry if you feel like nobody cares . I'm sorry if you feel invisible . I'm sorry if you feel you won't be as " pretty " or " handsome " as someone else . But guess what ? You are beautiful . I'm sorry if you don't want to be saved . I'm sorry if you do want to be saved , but nobody is around to help you . I'm sorry if you lost a loved one . I'm sorry if your brother or sister has a mental illness . I'm sorry if I've hurt you . I'm sorry if you've been sexually harassed . I'm sorry I've not always been there when you've needed me . I'm sorry if you have to sell drugs or do them because you hate reality . I'm sorry for all the pain you kept inside for so long . I'm sorry if your heart is broken . I'm sorry if you feel this way . But I know that with everything that is going wrong , one day it will go right . I care about you , I want to give my all to show you how worth it you are . I want you to live , I want you to fight this . I need you here . All your pain is something that probably followed you everywhere . I know that things are hard , and nobody understands what you're going through . You fake a smile , but I can see it . You think you're unloved , but I love you so much . I promise you're loved . If you think it's time for you to go , it's honestly not , this isn't worth it. I know you want to die , nobody would miss you right ? Those thoughts are all a lie , those demons in your head are lying to you . All those people telling you to **** yourself aren't there when you need a hug , they aren't there when you're punching walls . They assume you won't do anything, they aren't there when you're breaking down , and crying , but I promise you'll feel better soon , don't do this . Don't leave me . I need you . You're worth it . I know you're enough . I love you . I'm always just a message away . Stay strong ."
I didn't write this one. A ******* my facebook posted it and I had to share it here. Credits to Elizabeth Anderson- this made me cry and really touched me