Murderous thoughts and deeds once loose, likely breeds causing pain for victim and witness testing, physical and mental fitness Full moon, no hint of breeze dreadful odor, stifle a sneeze
Peeking around the corner I seek source of the smell, that sickly reek hooded man, a plain white van dumping bodies in the dumpster can
It floats in the air I dare not stare Oh lord
I hide, and dare not retch I just might be a victim next quickly van pulls on the street did not look, an 18 wheeler meet
It floats in the air I dare not stare Oh lord
Through the flames, I see eyes plead I am inclined to let him burn and bleed quickly paying for his sins throwing bodies in trash bins
smell of death replaced with smoke I light one up, take a **** Listening for sirens, song Cops on way, it won't take long
Report the bodies and the crash the culprit is already ash was I wrong not rendering aid I hope my soul I did not trade