Tell me the truth, I beseech you Don't lie or falsify or tell me sweet fantasies that will quell my haunted mind Tell me the truth, nothing but the truth Or I will continue on as a mad woman deluded, entranced and blinded Show me the way of truth, and I will abide, not chide or hide For I know the truth will give me wings to fly to transcend the chaos of society and my own mind
My hands search for a truth like gold, pure and untainted But I grasp at straws Sometimes these straws give me false leads that cause me joy But when I finally reach the core of truth for that system of belief I see, that the whole time I was being fed lies, I was fervently pursuing a deception And then I lose my sense of self again I lose it because that belief system is what I anchored my whole being in
Is the truth, the absolute truth Staring me in the eyes? Am I being purposely ignorant of it Because acknowledging the truth would mean that I would have to take up my own cross and follow Jesus? How many people call themselves Christians, but aren't willing to die in the name of Jesus? Am I willing to die to my Self and follow in the purpose God has assigned to me?