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Feb 2012
constrained and
he caught me in
a flame
of golden, righteous

he paid me
twenty bucks
& I read his palms
like a sad, sad
while I sipped on
my wine

I could see his mouth
ever so clearly
with its own longing
to read my own
in the contours of my

so I told him he was
going to die
& he still returned
the next week

when I told him he'd be hit
by a truck
he only laughed
& left me blue roses

the week after that
I had a cold
& refused to read
so he bought me a
& read the back of my
& I was tired enough
to let him

he was prettier
than a summer storm

a FedEx truck ran over him
the next day

I held his roses until
my hands bled
& no one could ever
read me again
Jae Elle
Written by
Jae Elle  33/F/Kansas
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