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Sep 2016
If threw love i can not speak
Then put me on mute

I have spoken word
Elegance of poetic imperfection
Intermingled with my voice

My voice
What does it sound like.
I think I have a deep voice
One that can boom across a stage
One that can make a whisper well heard

I learnt that in grade school

I say a lot of things in a day
My friends tell me quite blatantly
"Dude, you talk a lot"

So what do my words boil down to?

Are they not more than stationary constructs of pointless interaction

Will not in a year nobody, even me, remember what has been said!



People have a hard time forgetting what people say

In the 21st century we get the curse of picking what we hear is all.

We hear how ******* up our world is on the news all the time

Do we hear about kindness love or compassion?
Not really.

So I am going to speak in love.
There's nothing you can do about it either

Love is why the world still exsists.
Lack thereof is what's causing us to self-destruct
The Mellon
Written by
The Mellon  21/M/USA
   b e mccomb
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