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Sep 2016
On a blue and starry night,
On a hammock so light and cold,
I sat,
Swinging with the night time breeze.

The stars spoke to me,
Of the universe and beyond,
Yet, the moon so close
Gave not a single whisper

I chose a road,
The one that led to the stars,
The one that led to contentment
And the one that gave a faraway hope,
On a blackened day of life.

The moon sat and wondered,
Why my decision ignored him,
I sat and wondered,
Why the moon didn’t respond?

Thus ended this timeless conversation,
That had gone on for seconds on end,
Between two specks of greatness,
Man and Moon
Jeett Ratadia
Written by
Jeett Ratadia  I am Omnipresent
(I am Omnipresent)   
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