Oh how it hurts to hear your name, To think it will never be the same. Your mother says you love me so, But I will just never know. I cared for you and you told me the like, But I was scared and took flight. I was unsure and you kissed my wounds. But I never felt safe apart from you. You told me you loved me. I felt it was true. I couldn't trust myself, So I didn't trust you. I call us a mistake and all of myself, For you were perfect and I ruined that. I broke your heart, And you still tried for me. I turned cold so you would leave, And now you won't come near me. I still care I always have. I'm just not good at showing soft emotions, Where you can't be firm. I miss my friend most of all, For you know more than most... I need someone now when I'm at my worst.
I love you, My Mistake, please find your way back to me. Your First Heart Break