Slender shoulders and a back that breaks,
Whimper young blood, whimper.
The shotgun warrior shut you up,
oh, but god knows you're a phoenix, aren't you!
Rise Hamlet!
Rise winter and summer, spring and fall!
Rise Romeo! Rise you poet! Remember!
The whole world is a parade, a dream.
I walk 8:00 am, Math God speaks false hymns,
God denies god, white rat teeth in memory foam
world, band-aids. Ascend the steps to the steeple --
I learn nothing, I know nothing. The Girl
with so much to say, the broken machine,
you are more human than anyone I know.
Biology is what we are. Inside there's a harmony,
a song, a 90's feminist punk rock
song stuck inside you, you sit there like
a shriveled vagabond, beaten ****** by the
fear of God, in utter awe.
You cannot speak,
You say everything,
you have a scar, I don't care if it's good or bad, it's the truth, and maybe that's all that matters?
I speak, you write, you say nothing, your scar i physical, it's on your throat, you can't speak, God took it from you, but now he is the only one who can hear you... funny, isn't it?