Those moments are the best ones: the awkward instances where I start to get upset, but when I think back to them now I smile because, even if I hate it, these are the reasons I love you.
I used to think that I would tire of your little mistakes or the jumps in your voice how you sing slightly out of tune, but now I only hope to hear you hum again and wait all day in anticipation of your voice.
It should have been easier to say it I suppose but it's hard to speak after such a long silence. I know your mouth is as dry as mine (which should make for an interesting kiss) but I will kiss you nonetheless. There's nothing I want more.
When I think of how one can seem so much less than the other, it only becomes more clear how much of a hero you are. I can't believe I was selfish enough to think I deserved you, but I'm the lucky one.
One comes to these realizations without prompt, generally, and I think that is the best way. Who needs a reminder when life itself is enough to remind me of my love for you?