Dreams are set from the very beginning of our trek We started from the smallest things we ever get As we grow old with each running sec Those simple wishes we started to neglect
With our worlds growing wider and our thoughts going deeper Simple things to us does not seem to differ We just hold on the things we prefer
Great dreams often fuel the spirit Making lion heart s burst and lit A great motivation for most of us it seems a step on a cliff for those who dare to dream
I beg to differ from most of the believers That great dreams only makes heart go fonder for how many have dreamt a few succeed and those warm smiles turn into weeps
The standards we set for ourselves to reach instead of helping us reach become ropes in our heels The higher we reach, the greater we fall For some a stumble from which they cannot soar
Dreaming was never bad for us to ignore Its never a sin to aim for something we adore we just have to be keen to see clearer that enjoying simple things makes us weaker
Lets cherish the tiny miracles that life offers those specks of wonders our eyes could land on Just like at our dawn even the most ordinary thing we rejoice See from what a child could see to view a world that sings with glee