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Sep 2016
My eyes, my hands, almost cold.
The vision of you, haunts. Tremble.
I heard past time blues screaming in distance,
And you was the worst summer.
Like some sort of FALLEN GOD or ILLUSION you came out of nowhere ( yes you've been there, existed all along, but your presence wasn't mine to bother) and boom!

"Cha, you'll never know until it HITS YOU UNTIL IT ******* HITS YOU."

Oh, it does hurts, both physically and mentally, a sudden sink of teeth and claws in the softest parts,
now I'm bleeding from all the lacerations I pretend not to notice.

However, let's go back to the story: you appeared, and the trilogy of navre begun.

"I love you as much as a broken heart can hold, but I don't want you to take it, you don't ....."

Ah, that's my voice, not his.

"Deserve!", he shouted out in laughter.

Yes, this is how my God looks like, he's made of sweetness and acid, brightest voids and softest claws.

"Every tiger, kills,"
Written by
Sung  KL, MY
(KL, MY)   
   Doug Potter
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