Would a voice in heaven sound beautiful and inviting or serious, constant and still maybe sounds of a harp possibly playing atop pristine waters or Pavarotti singing up in the mountains or would it be a moan, with intention and focus maybe just a recording over loud and annoying speakers with instructions and a schedule maybe if I am lucky I would hear My fatherβs voice telling me how great it is but sounding nostalgic and homesick a plea for his soft leather chair wearing his hounds tooth hat smoking his hand crafted pipe if death could speak what issues would it bring up rehashing troubled times would this voice guarantee pearly gates willing It beckons me, conflicted with temptation when your soul knows that this is a voice not from any place but from the best place where Jesus takes us to reach for something knowing doubts exist that you would rise to be with us again
July, 2013 (RIP Dad) In memory of C. Dan Piccolomini
Life changing events like a death can be more difficult to share but easy to write about. Many late nights staying up thinking that you can truly believe in the memory. It is so vivid that you have to let it be - but it is in the description and disbelief that is so real to me. A matter of Will.