civilised people keep forgetting that their people have made me half-human, i'm a mutation of what's expected to be the mined concern for revenue of a charity - then i better bake in the same hell as a ****, because your defence of Israel just doesn't work / bother me as ****** York, or ****** England... and let's all turn into spectacular hurrah! cos the cheer is all the helium we'd ever ingest having our teeth removed; oh ****, i've already been blamed for **** crimes as a Pole... the Irish knew the decisive polling ergonomic against us would benefit their chance to potato-farm a clean-sheet without famine fears: ratatouille roulade (r'ah-t'ah-two-e rue-lard).*
i wanted to go to this festival, but instead i got relegated as potato... churn our the charring and choc charcoal - cos they really mind where the r.f.a. comes from... ****** encore! drop another bomb! and the bomb drops... another! Autobahn! Autobahn! die männerstahl - deutsché text(e) geboren als erbe eines titans - i die,the idiots remain, i live, the idiots provoke a hive; i live, the Irish pretend they're Anglos; the world goes round; i die, nothing changes, and that's truly promising as any change at all.