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Sep 2016
She's a strong woman who can smile carrying thousand hidden and harsh wounds,  
And when your heart begins to feel warm,
That's when you know she's around,
Forever spreading joy with her lovely charm,
She's a woman of wisdom who can impart knowledge to many at once,
And when your eyes denies to blink,
That's because of her deep dimples killing people more than guns,
Leaving everybody mesmerized with her lips so pink,
She's a woman who cannot break even in terrific storms,
A kind woman who's ready to risk her life when in need,
A jolly personality who likes breaking rules and norms,
Also easily spots depressed souls just by a face read,
And once you meet her,
You can never forget her sweet words,
She's a woman so great that will never leave your heart.
Faeza Kazim
Written by
Faeza Kazim  Jeddah
   --- and its gonna make sense
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