Perhaps you didn’t reject me, But pushed so far, you Couldn’t find your way back. You broke free. I was the cage. Perhaps, I’m the Monster hiding under your bed. I left so many words unsaid. Please know I hope you are happy and free And your own true self. Never settle. By bite and nettle you’ll get by and Bye. Perhaps ‘being lost’ is your friend Perhaps life sans me, the end. But I still scream like that night so long ago. I scream & scream With clawed walls in gray skull The pain, the loss, all the tears Your face. Its been so long, but you never fade. And I scream Its so hard to fight; To stay without you by my side Your thoughts in me replace the screaming. But the space between our hearts is wide We drown with no safety net or lifeline This is it. The stark unseen undream What lies between, decays You broke free. I am the monster. I am the cage.