"The Walk..."
We spoke a bit -
in written thoughts
holding each our imagined hands.
and it was nice
and it was warm
and each felt the other's smile
and then we paused -
as the day intruded
the world beckoned
and we moved on...
"The Walk..."
Would you be "a little girl" with me
or the young woman
or the just what? as we walked.
Would you hold my hand,
run ahead,
mildly stroll along,
just walk beside?
Would you pause - with me,
flow past me,
float hither and yon - lost
in your own wonder and thoughts?
Stand close - arm entwining,
share a view, a look, gaze, stare...
perhaps smile?
Would there be words?
Would we listen to the world or place?
Would you listen - to me, to yourself?
Would we be a we *or just a you and I -
or just a you or just I?
If I saw your eyes it would mean you looked
at me - looking at you...
and if I didn't would it be I didn't look,
or* you didn't look,
or each was afraid to look
or either just didn't want ...to see
an other looking into a me.
"The Walk..."
Wandering the aisles -
so many choices
flavors, things... branded and nots
Drinks, bags of heaven
or perhaps late night "hells"
cans and bottles - shapes to fit every
whim - any whim...
An aisle of bread
loaf after loaf -
styles, flavors - bagged, protected
I used my change the last time -
at the checkout...
people got angry - waiting
the clerk looked with impatience
and a huff...
I get hungry too... ya know?
"The Walk..."
"Amazing grace - how sweet the sound..."
one step then another and another
- feel your heartbeat -
another step - another...
its heavy but you CAN do it -
are doing it -
another step - another
- almost there, almost, almost...
another step... pause... breathe
turn in towards...
timing now...TIMING
lowering, lowering - there, the base is holding
"...that saved a wretch like me........."
"The Walk..."
It isn't as easy
to find
to just - wander at whim
pause as you want
hell, even WANT to pause AT
anymore - it seems.
You get these looks
from others
if they don't know you
and its THEIR world you're in
- intruding, trespassing,
- their sidewalk or path or berm.
Being a ghost
just isn't easy anymore...
"The Walk..."
... ... ...
and on.
feel free