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Feb 2012
You make me happier
With every passing day
I never thought it possible
But you’ve shown me the way.
We guided each other
To love and happiness
For you, I am truly thankful.
God has given me a love so true
Deep & pure
It could only be you
Now we can live happily ever after
Together as a family
Something I never before thought possible
But you’ve made so many dreams come true
And so many more have been realized.
I can never fully express
The love you’ve made me feel
Or the happiness you’ve given me.
Just know that it’s real
With every word I speak
Every breath I take
Every longing look
Every passing day
It grows deeper and stronger
Who knows what will come our way
But we’ll have each other
Together forever to stay
Shannon L Baker
Written by
Shannon L Baker  TX
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