I'm alive though all the years of abuse, but I've not been able to truly "LIVE" because my head is full of fog, confused and don't know who I am. Suffering from anxiety and depression. I live in a prison, in my mind.
I look out the window from above and see others conversing with neighbors, thinking why can't I be more outgoing? Why can't I let loose?
These walls I've built around me are like a chain around my neck as a dog has around their neck and can only go so far in any direction.
The harmful words from my narcissistic mother for many years has destroyed who I could have been, what I wanted to be, and where I wanted to go.
Those words don't go away, they never die, and are embedded deep in every fiber of my being. Those words are who I am, what I do and where I go.
Thats my life every day, every second, every minute, every hour.