To say that I hate her would be to suggest that there is a version of this story where I can still sleep with the lights off, there is something strangely familiar about the glow of fluorescent lights at 2 in the morning.
It is also to say that her letters no longer gather dust in the boxes underneath my bed. That there isn’t a picture of her still between the tired pages of the old family bible I no longer read. I have never been good at forgetting the walls after dusk still remember her name.
Maybe it is because I once loved her, Or maybe it is because I still do Like the way Daedalus still loved the warmth of the sun even after it took away his everything; I too still sometimes smile at the bringer of death.
Though this is not to say I still don’t try to fill what the gods have named unfillable. It is not to say I no longer believe in magic, it is just to say that I am tired of trying to summon what is not coming back, I am tired of hating me more than her.