I speak of Friends, I speak of Foes I bathe in circumstances with the soap of Woe Like the pains of a woman in labour my spirit Bellows Like a rock cast into the sea my mind is drowned in my Throes At peace I was with myself like a gentle Dove Like a baby I slept in my secure Abode Gβentle like the wind was the personality I Drove Transparently clear like the heavens Above The 'Devils' came disguised in their Cloak To extinguish my light with their thick suffocating Smoke Fed me with fear till my throat began to Choke! I was almost absorbed like Garri left to Soak But for the love of the Father over my Soul And the prayer of a Mother over her Own In my whole being the seed had been Sown There 're people i'm glad I know and some I wish I never had Known.