when her toe hit the wood the nail split in half in the center cracked just right so when she applied pressure on her leg to be straight up and down stretchy muscle the split splintered and while falling she pumped air through her fists, open and closing maybe for the tan bar which she could command in practice which she demanded now yet the stage was only the light and pieces of wood and nail upon landing the crowd gasped in entertainment at how graceful feathers flew from her mouth black and flawless like the lace of her costume envisioning a swan a crow it didn't matter at all both could fly but they had wings and she had faults, deep deep tremors opened wide on the great black valley coughing up feathers when she wanted tears and the crowd just stared some smiling some surprised all without blinking when the legs decided to extend some support the mistake took root and gave her a rush of shame which allowed her to fly [briefly] behind the curtains like the crow like the swan after the silence of awed mouths gushes of applause for the splintered tiny dancer who tried to show the world she had something to say but instead only managed to sprinkle the audience with a few feathers.