The daylight grows dim The sun goes down I've passed through the day But another journey awaits
I lay my body to rest I say my prayers I close my eyes There the transition begins .... My spine expands as my body lengthens Taller I've grown in my worries
A million hairs of anxiety Spring out of my toughened body My ears grow longer in fear Eyes red in anger Sadness deep within my stomach Rising out of my throat as a loud howl
All I sense is danger Claws growing out of my soft little hands Fangs emerge from my once harmless teeth Into the mirror I glance Only to see myself for the beast I am Why would they care for me?
If I give them the chance They'll light their torches and ready their guns I have no choice I have to run Memories of the wounds with which they inflicted me Made me nothing but blood thirsty Now I must hunt
But as I leap towards the streets The sight touched me deep down I've lost my appetite Most in their comfortable homes Tucked into their beds Everyone else... laughing with their loved ones Standing firm on my hind legs I groan in envy as i observe their peace
It's almost the beginning of a new day I just want to go home All this trouble tired me away Inner comfort emerges It's ok you'll be alright How I wish someone could pat my furry ears But of course... who would comfort a monster like me?
Turning on my side Pulling my sheet I'm too tired for worries Now I'm ready to sleep The beast locked away neatly in this body of mine Waiting for tomorrow night a little past nine
A new day begins Here's the chance to prove the monster wrong Who knows.... maybe today she wins