Life Snapshot moment Love, laughter Hidden whisky shots under silent stars Bare foot dancing on piano notes cascading down from the roaring sky eyes, capturing mine in a rosy glow of friendship, hardwood cool against bare theighs Fingers strong, firm, warm around mine on my side, my leg, pulling warmth to the surface of cool skin skin, knuckles grazing ribs teeth nipping gently quietly as she continued to talk your kisses on my knuckles soft, teasing tongue Body heat pulsing under bursting stars comets falling into your eyes leaning over me, pinning me almost kissing me cradling chin, cradling face, cradling body, cradling soul Your heat, your lips soft hair, fingers tangled in kitten hair that brushes my lips, my lips against neck I couldn't help my searching mouth, whispers confessions, want, desire, adventure, freedom, laughter Life.