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Feb 2012
Without fanfare
It has come to this
I am alone
Even in the light of day
My own shadow has run
From me
Its mate
Its source
Of life
What depth
Can be plumbed
Where despair
Can thrive
Where answers
Go to die
Where doom
Is afraid
To speak
Where gloom
Is cut
On its own blade
Where the only true companion
Nature's signature
Refuses to lay
Even when I beg
The sun to burn through me
And deliver the light
That will color my back
The only shade worthy
Of my plight
It will not be delivered
By day
Or night
What irony of pain
Exerts itself
Where darkness
Is denied
Refusing to join
Refusing to listen
Only willing to abandon
It knows
I must go alone
It was my mistake
I was wrong
So wrong
I can do nothing right
Not even make a shadow
In the light
Mark Lecuona
Written by
Mark Lecuona
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