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Aug 2016
Remember when candies were enough to make us happy?
And now even diamonds fail to brighten up our smile,
Remember when problems meant only maths and fights so ******?
And now our whole life is wrapped with difficulties like a heavy pile,  
Remember when relationships meant only exchanging gifts and smiling with joy?
And now we are like a lost soul crying to fix broken bonds,
Remember when heartbreak just meant to look at a damaged toy?
And now our numb hearts wouldn't even care about deep scars and blood wounds,

Remember when love meant happy endings and unforgettable memories,
And now it's all about fights wrecking our lives,
Do you realize how quick we've changed with time?
Simply surviving with hopeless eyes burying hidden stories and giving out negative vibes.

                   -Faeza Kazim
Faeza Kazim
Written by
Faeza Kazim  Jeddah
   Keith Wilson
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