I saw a very old woman out in the cold There was rain There was a hyena Eager to take a piece of her And she cried out feebly for help And she was answered Or rather she now had company A red-eyed and horned monster
It trampled on the only hope she had: The feeble voice Muted like a zombie And the beast Coughed out a fire of destruction Breathed immobility in her To eager but not quite able To lick away her life as well.
Helpless, rejected and dejected too Talk of desolation and poverty Never again back to her land Her only inheritance; and heritage too The woman dies of hunger and disease The monster wags its tail in joy Then turns back and leaves her Unburied, unattended, unmourned Left her for the hyena to do the rest.
*Corruption and bad governance is eating into the life of the citizens in Kenya ans many African Countries.*