He took his bow and his red arrows, but clumsy as he is he lost some of those, and panicked to the point that he did not know what to do in the midst of the shadows. He searched for the missing ones and luckily these arrows were found, but clumsy as he is, cupid became stupid again.
He paired his arrows with a she and a he, and clumsy as he is, the other arrow hit to another she. And so as well to the others, a different pair of he and she.
So unlucky and unfortunate these people are, unable to feel what it is to love and to be loved by the one you fell for, upon hearing to people who were paired perfectly they feel like it's different, their dreamed fantasy.
Just because of that stupid, clumsy cupid, many people have broken hearts for being hit by the wrong pair of arrows of love Many have shed their tears and buried themselves in despair.
I'm just wondering, does cupid know how much it hurts to fall for the wrong person?