***** After i relapsed that was the first word i wrote No I lie 'Why' was ***** was the first one that stayed I made it my own piece of art, something I'm not so proud of
But when you think about it, what artist is proud of their first work Not my first but my first in a while Like when God created the first man I'm sure even he still looked back and questioned if that was the best he could do So he tried again But we're still not perfect, are we?
Try that's what they tell us since the day we are born "Try to be better," "Try to get good grades," "Try to be happy" Well I'm tried of trying I feel like I'm getting nowhere and will never get anywhere Like I'm on a treadmill, no matter how fast I go or how hard i try I will always be in the same place That's what Depression feels like Pain being played over and over Trying to run away but discovering you're getting nowhere Depression is the treadmill No matter how fast or how far you try to run You'll never get anywhere
I know its not a poem in the standard kind of way but it has the same effect to me as a poem does. It reaches into my soul and speaks to me in ways any great poem would. Hope it speaks out to you in the same way