Box kid, Box kid He's got a box head He looks fairly weird And that's commonly said
But he's not to be feared He just wants a friend He'll be faithful to anyone To the end
You don't know this box kid and many don't It's because the things you said That left him alone
And with your words of hate and terror, you wanted to transcend When in reality, if you stayed put, the box kid could've been your friend
My friend actually showed me a song that she wrote that originally was supposed to be funny. However, when she gave me the lyrics, I felt like the box kid was kind of an outcast and so it led me to edit the song a bit and make it relate more the the theme presented in the poem. I know the poem already sends the message, but I would just like to reiterate once more. Please, just because someone looks weird, acts in a funny way, or has odd habits, don't make fun of them or alienate them. For all you know, they could be very cool people. For all you know, they could be the life of the party. Most people these days are so boring and unoriginal; frankly, you should be looking for these "weird" people so they can spice up your life.