Won't feel him stay start to change Just a poster taped to blame Only see him float away
Good luck trying to play nice It doesn't seem very likely these days With all the kids pop lock and dropping dead gunned down un a club Astronauts getting high The worlds gone to ****. This post apocalyptic monstrousaty we call mother earth a flea on the cat of perspective. Projecter onto a sphere we call planet Every tree a hologram Color refracted light Light my cigaretteΒ see a small spark of reality burn out. Inhale some air that has no color. Proof of it's existence Blocking the color shot at your retnas Burn your retnas. Burn them On the sun stare at it till you blind yourself Take those happy pills Don't ever forget the days you don'tΒ remember quiet warm days, sounds but never understanding just blissfull floating lit until you pop and cry. Don't let yourself pop. Stay curled up Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.