With the grease stained coverall He came home from work A little bit earlier he came over. His three cute children Welcomed him with warm kisses they too stained theirs cheeks with oil and grease. The red tiny bag they looked in for surprises. As there are always some snacks waiting for them. Savouring sip of hot tea from his beloved hand as usual He sank on his armchair to take a nap. Nothing went unusual except he looked extremely tired.
Hour later his wife tried to wake him up He didn't responded to her any calls She screamed in horror when she saw him lying breathless. On hearing her screams children too surrounded him as well They couldn't understand what was really going on Very late they realized their dad is forever gone They don't have any shoulders to hang on in their life Since then no more surprises ever came in their life.
The red tiny bag hung on the wall Once full of surprises Future dreams of promises Now breeze cradling it gently Still the sobs of memories whispering silently!