its mouth does the wide thing with flesh and teeth over its voice which seems easily keen and darts under its breath;
it can't but hear to speak, and says softly–somehow:
a dream which dreamily dreams up the sun scarred air into the summer sunlashed ,and comes through window a little gossamer with pale blankets of downy light.
(you are dreaming, my dear, in our bed your hair makes a dark coiling of itself over again against itself, and the stark pillow of your nape and breast;
–breath easy–
it is summer within and cooly shrugs with the light patter of seawind, gull throats, and the stuttering jangle of a somewhere bell-lined noose.
how easy it is to be an orchid, i think, leaning into my thoughts and the words on a page while you sleep your lips around each smooth dallop of your chest–breathing–and gently: