i give a **** / Roman salute every night, each night, just before i fall asleep, but the words recurrent with the ghostly gladiators captivating western society like a terrorist are: BUT, YOU, MADE ME! your pithy apathy can get you so along - IT'S GOOD TO BE CRITICAL OF AMERICA AND FEEL AMBIVALENT OF SAUDI ARABIA... cocktails in Bucharest are like cooler-shakers in McDonald's: all fruity flavoured fairies with - wingspans of pigeons at Trafalgar Sq. - cos' we pecked those pistachios like mad. Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil, und Jude außen Europa: inviting Muslims undermined European culture excluding Jews made it all the more simpler for the once cultured press to write hopes rather than facts. the emperor came, the emperor went, lost, forgotten, shamed the love for a neighbour.