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Jul 2016
♡I'm always there for you my precious son,
To see you happy was my only dream,
The day you were born was the day I already won,
And life went all cool and colourful like a rainbow ice-cream,
Though life's harder than all the games and fun,
But your success made me forget all the grieve and it made my heart feel happiness so deep,          
I'm so glad to be a mom of a boy who's the best of all and number one,
You're my little hero who made me feel so happy and so blessed to the point that I began to weep,    
Congrats again master Arhaan Ali,
May your future be brighter than the sun.♡
                          -Faeza Kazim
Faeza Kazim
Written by
Faeza Kazim  Jeddah
   Keith Wilson
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