un-damaged brains are such fertile fields waiting to be sowed - as those with infantile imagination are prone to dyslexic deficiencies and given their dreams, have ensured their imaginations be like foetal embryos - those prone to nightmares will never be prone to Disney's wedlock being fulfilled - dreams are imagination's thieves - and memory short-circuiting a fake - analysis of conscious memory is unlike analysis of unconscious memory - albrecht dürer seemed sensible - we've become sensible, but also too naive - our modern sensibility extends into a belief in demons and angels with modern pharmaceutical companies - nothing has changed even though man is in flux - with modern dentistry's trickery - how can man trust man and not feel obliged to distrust him for reasons that provide us with travelling communes or jeep-sees - see what lost diacritical approaches does to the tongue entombed in optics? chiral-optics - you can say gypsy and say jeep-see like a handshake. god, we're paying for our original sin with the virtuoso of animal plagiarism - a mere peasant is also but a mere Mozart - i too claim my right to talk easily among scaffold-men, talk of his girlfriend and Smurfs due to height and Gargamel - i rather among them than in what is talked as the pop of the Smiths' vocab of schooling and regret blues; cats demonic, dogs saintly.