You say we can't be Because you can't Keep lieing to my face Over and over
So the only way out For you Is to lie To push more lies than before To claim hate anger depise distrust
To state how bad I am my nothingness my meaningless life and how he is everything you've ever wanted
You answer your problem of lieing with more lies and claim to save me
But you can't even save yourself From your own sadistic ways
Stop claiming confusion Then love Then hate Then Dispair
Just stop Lieing Cheating Stealing ****** my mind and my emotions
And just give me what I want
Give me back my happy life
With or without you
I'm going through an unbarable time in my life.
I'm writing down anything that comes to mind no matter how bad or good and posting it to see how people react and anything they think I should improve.
There is no editing, no going back, just typing as I think and saving.