just keep nagging about poetry stealing if not simply invigorating people's index curriculum vocabulorum (day-to-day pint of milk what's the weather like speech) - keep nagging - it won't make a difference - i have a grievance all of my own - one word - slang - or the effective tool for unprecedented use of misnomers - slang is, after all, a practice of using misnomers with social acceptability - some claim that poetry is incomprehensible - too difficult - too cult-like - too whatever it is that people think poetry is - i'm in it for the long-haul - i'm looking at the fame of Homer and of Horace and i see no fame in the modern definition - the certainty of Nietzsche: perhaps my true readers haven't been born yet. i'm that certain of what i write, capitalism and the short-term effect - the cure and the same song as stated on the album ******* - just keep nagging about what poetry is and what it isn't - i just spotted an pink elephant of the easiest of comparisons to nag about too... urban slang - slang in general - but instead of a single people being incomprehensible (like the tweeting format? no? we have an antidote for that) - i never bothered or knew how to learn slang, the "cool talk" of being recognised as a part of a pack of hyenas about to "change the world"; if you explain slang to me i'll explain poetry to you, some does mature outside the realm of adolescence - Rimbaud certainly did - and with him as example i guess we should only write in our teen years then forget about it, never age with it - never do a Sistine Chapel pinnacle with it - poetry is the secondary fashion statement of the young, the primary fashion statement is slang - i don't know why i kept it up as i did - and i don't care much for being too technical either, Tartar stake for me - i guess the trick of the novelist is that he knows he can take breaks in between writing a novel, he can always come back to it knowing the reader will probably take days and different yoga positions finishing his outpouring: as already suggested, poetry as something that constantly requires a revision of meaning (esp. in the age of twitter) - fair enough for the haiku crew - but consider my deliberate care for a counter haiku: the ensō (zen)- maximised with the Tao teaching of forgetting the world and letting the world forget about you - lethal combination................................ so this slang debate... can you tell me why it's so akin to the incomprehensibility of poetry and why it fizzles out after adolescence of the teen years?