It's always either too much or not nearly enough. I cringe at the echo of voices that carry and words that slip over my teeth like molasses, but the silence can be deafening in an empty room.
I vacillate between thoughts that fill up spaces like black balloons and smiles that sink ships- twisting between tepid emptiness and emotions that press on all of my soft spots, intent on seeping out through my pores like little pinpricks of madness.
Caught somewhere between a *****, a child, and a housewife; I want deft hands to wrap up all of my loose ends and in the same breath I want to shave my head and curl into cold corners. I want to run through fluorescent meadows and twirl round in cotton skirts before receding into the bleak landscapes of my mind. I want to make him breakfast and fold his laundry into hearts- then get drunk on cheap wine and **** like that's what bed springs were made for.
I want to say the words that are festering inside of my worm-eaten skull, I want to see the disgust on their contorted faces, but on the other hand, isn't it nice to be a pretty face; seen, but never heard.