the nobles cut off Rasputin's head, while the two in command of keeping Rasputin's head drunk multiplied and cut off the Romanov family's heads - and it snowed a serene symphony of snow as it did on a mime's piano - and Russian felt fed, and alive again... and those closest to the pigs' trough still bemoaned the events, on the centenary pinpoint in St. Petersburg.*
i was in an Athenian brothel... i know what ethnicity entertained me... national pride? if there ain't any kept with the women... just forget the football team performing to a gold standard that might inspire families to stay together or keep the children dreaming... but of course... the Irish still have their qualms about 3rd class on the Titanic and the potato famine... and the English asked Aladdin for a carpet to brush their colonial past under it - the Welsh? don't know, don't care - the Scots? y'ir a haggen hag hag dabbler in Yiddish and hang the lamb gush of intestine as edible? pardon me deep fried friend, 'e's from Mars... no wonder it took him Colonel Cook and some wacky Portugese Columbus to create the global empire, upon which the sun, never truly set, but upon which the moon did settle from time to time, to reverse it's fascist priority with a pinch of panic that had no systematic authority - or as the venom said: the only thing worse than fascism is panic... proof via Pompeii.